July 15, 2011

Sense of Belonging

My life has changed considerably since I started blogging in the beginning of the year. Even before, I had been reading blogs, mainly about fashion but also lifestyle, living and food, and by reading those had been looking for ideas to use when eventually starting my own blog. Katy of ModlyChic has once again challenged me with this weeks' questions for the Fashion Beauty Friend Friday. This time it's all about labeling and how important a connection and clear definition for a blog is.

1. As a someone who writes/blogs about fashion, have you placed 
yourself into some sort of blogging category? 

I would put myself into the lifestyle and fashion blogging category. I think one should focus on a certain area to also appeal to a certain readership. Having a blog without a theme could just be too messed up. Of course people are interested in several things, that goes for bloggers and readers, but the interest might fade. Less is sometimes better. I have had some issues focusing only on fashion, I like to write about my life in general, but I try to keep the focus somehow fashion related in every post.

2. What keeps you from or encourages you to label yourself as a certain kind of blogger? 

I'd like to say my interest in fashion does encourage me to write about it the most. Therefore I enjoy taking on the label fashion blog, but in the end, it is not too important to me. Of course one could say to appeal to the audience, but even though I write my blog for the readers as well, I first and foremost write it as a kidn of diary to document my life and how my photography evolves over time.

3. When picking blogs to read and follow are you drawn to ones that indicate a certain group or way of thinking/being? 

I am drawn to blogs with a certain writing style, great quality pictures and a nice blog design. Also I mostly read fashion and lifestyle blogs myself. From there I get new ideas for my own outfits and future blog posts. I do like to read a seldom food post on lifestyle blogs as well, but am not a fan of food blogs. So I guess lifestyle that includes mostly fashion, but also a bit of other things are the best. Some great blog examples for that are: WishWishWishA Beautiful Mess; Love, Ramsey; Little Red Purse.

4. Do you think there are benefits in labeling yourself or others? 

Well, as mentioned before, I guess a consistent theme or label for your blog does bring a consistent readership as well. Not sure if it would be different without them, but I do think it helps. But I guess readers are not just attracted to the labels, but also to design, pictures, writing style, overall picture etc.

5. Agree or Disagree - We're all just people; we don't need all the labels. 

True, so true, but don't we all just have all those little boxes in our heads where we store things and also people!? Nice stereotyping :) Maybe we should just start to think more outside the box!!


Kimberlee VDW said...

Love the first photo :)

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