June 16, 2011

Is it June or is it April?

This week, the weather has been killing me. In the mornings, it  was hot, sunny and really stuffy. Sleeping late was out of the question, as the room felt more like a sauna than anything else. Every afternoon, a cloudburst managed to bring me extreme headaches and made studying difficult. It feels more like April weather than June. Sometimes the temperatures dropped more than 10 degrees from morning till evening and called for layered outfits. A dress and some ballerina flats were the best choice. I later added some leggings, a scarf and a long cardigan.



What I wore

Dress, Scarf & Top: H&M
Leggings: Esda
Necklace: Thrifted
Cardigan: Ernsting's Family
Shoes: Deichmann
Umbrella: Borrowed from my sister



Another week and another round of Awkward and Awesomeness!!


  • wanting to go for a swim and no open air pool was opened due to rain showers in the evening - we just went for a shut down pool/lake close to the city - I don't think that counts as trespassing
  • Ordering some dresses in hope for the perfect summer dress (finally) - 9 ordered, 7 arrived, 7 fit - what now? After a lot of trying on, I finally decided on one, packed up the others and was about to send them away, when another part of the order arrived and the game started again. Did you ever have that issue when you ordered something and desperately hoped for all of the pieces not to fit you?
  • connecting with friends from Kindergarten via facebook



  • The rain has helped all those wonderful plants grow in my mother's garden and now we have our own salad, tomatoes, onions, potatoes etc. - no more EHEC talk in my family!
  • iced tea "Peach & Mango" - super yummy and very refreshing
  • 2 more weeks until my vacation - can't wait to see my friends in Finland! Will be going for the wedding of M.&H. as well!
  • selling your things online (KleiderKreisel) and making space in your closet - money for the trip to Finland!
  • my godchild will be born in the next week or so! Can't wait to get to know that little one!!
  • When you walk into the store you used to work in and your co-worker asks you, if you have lost some weight. It's music in my ears, baby!!

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