I love Summer, if there wouldn't be the heat! I can't stand more than 80 degrees. I sometimes think, I am a poikilothermal or reptile. You know those animals that get slower the colder it gets? Well, I think my body works the other way around. I get slower the hotter it gets :)
So today was perfect for me. Not too warm and I actually managed to do some things: swimming, some thrift shopping, reading for my thesis! Really went well! And you won't have to worry about sweating and make difficult outfit choices - pretty or appropriate for the weather. Today, both worked together!
- Going for a swim – afterwards, dropping the bag with those wet clothes on my bed – super wet stain on my sheets and the mattress – I did NOT pee in it!! I had to dry the content of my wallet on the radiator!
- Stepped into the tram today – a girl behind me really kicked me in the shin with her high heels to stop me from sitting down in a seat she had her eye on – What is wrong with those people out there!?
- The crust of the Birthday cake (Walnuts & Vanilla cake) I made for my flatmate M. – so hard, it almost hurt, but soooo yummy!!
- Wearing my newest thrifting find – this super cute skirt
- A long weekend awaiting me – full of sunshine and happiness
- Free travels with the train in my region – I have been traveling so much in the last weeks to close-by cities –doing research, shopping and some sightseeing
- Going to a free concert of Jennifer Rostock tomorrow! – maybe the last evening with my friend H. before she gives birth to my little godchild cookie!!!
- Watching “Germany’s Topmodel” with my flatmate J. My favorite, Jana, won!!