August 15, 2011

Nature is calling for me

I am going on a little trip with Mr.B. for the next 3 days. We wanted to spend some time together before he has to go back to studying and therefore will take off for some quality time. As my toe is still bruised and kind of fragile, we probably won't be able to go hiking big time. Mr.B. actually asked, if I broke my toe on purpose (you know, I am not the biggest hiking fan, but what wouldn't you do for your man!). No, I didn't do that, but I think we will have a good time no matter what. If all goes bad, he could just carry me :) So, it's time for some nature, hope the weather will be nice!!


Those pictures are from one of our "hiking" trips a couple of weeks ago!






Farewell for now, CU in a couple of days!!


london last night said...

Hope you have fun and your toe gats well soon!

Savannah Hines said...

These pictures are so pretty, looks similar to the hikes where I live. I hope you and your man have a great time :)

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