During the colder months, I love long breakfasts at home, relaxing on the couch, with a hot coffee, breakfast egg, juice and some bread or else.

Love my mug and coffee pot by IKEA. They sadly don't sell those anymore, I was lucky to still get one of those pots and two mugs with plates.

New print by IKEA, fitting perfectly into our living room. Sadly my Marilyn print didn't fit anymore, but hey, time for a change and it reminds me every day that we are going to Paris in 7 months. Can't wait and will be dreaming of this beautiful city every night till then. And in case you were wondering - I plan on going no matter what the current situation is concerning security matters etc. I think it would be wrong to cancel a trip just because some sad things are happening at the moment. Life needs to go on and we should be strong for all those that had to suffer through these horrible attacks. Paris is in need of support and we want to give that!

Delicious lunch - Mr.B is actually quite the cook!

Cold morning view
