Last time, I showed you my rocky side, this time it's a more chic look that I wore for a dinner with my man, but could also see myself wearing at work. Pretty, with a girly touch and pretty black and gold accessories. Some people have mentioned that this bag is nice, but it's only a look-a-like of a designer bag. Yes, true, it's not the original and I actually am fine with that. I don't want to pretend owning a designer bag with this. I say openly that it is a look-a-like. I will probably never own the original version and that's fine. Those bags are so expensive and with my current salary, it would feel not right to put so much money in just one bag. If there is gonna be a change in this one day, either me earning more or receiving one through another opportunity, I might consider it, but right now, I am fine this way. It is a pretty design that I adore and I will wear it in this way that is affordable for me.

What I wore
Skirt &Ring: H&M
Bracelet: Bijou
Blouse: Ernsting's Family
Jacket: Primark
Shoes: Deichmann
Tights: Esda
Bag: Villa Smilla
Neckace: Heirloom