October 7, 2011

Guest Blogger - Hope - A Flattering Tale

Today, I want to introduce another monderful woman that I got to know better during my thesis research. I litterally stumbled upon her blog and was instantly in love. Thanks so much for your support and I am really glad to have found your little blog!!

Welcome, Hope!!

[photo by monikablissmorris.com]

Name: Hope
Age: 24
Location: New York, NY

Why do you blog? Blogging is my creative outlet. I am a writer by trade, so after I finish my day job, I love spending time writing about another passion in my life: fashion.

What’s the story behind your blog name? I wanted a blog name that represented both the theme of the blog and me as an individual. I had once heard the phrase, “Hope told a flattering tale,” and since my name is Hope, thought it would fit perfectly. Thus, A Flattering Tale was born.

How long have you been blogging? A Flattering Tale has been around since July of 2010, but I’ve been blogging for longer than that. A Flattering Tale has been my first real blogging commitment though.

What has changed for you since you started your blog? I have recently moved from Tennessee to New York City! I am currently experiencing a really exciting form of culture shock and learning all about what city life is like. In terms of blogging, I was selected as the Style Watch Reporter by a Tennessee radio station, Hits 96, and have really enjoyed that role. I have also discovered the amazing community of blogging.

Do you have any goals or dreams you want to reach through your blog? I would love to use my blog as a form of communication with people all over the world. I would also like to learn more about the inner workings of the fashion industry.

Why do you focus on fashion? Since I was little, fashion has played a huge presence in my life. I remember wanting to be the first girl in my class wearing bell-bottom jeans in elementary school. Now that I’m older, I like to explore different styles to find my own unique fashion “voice.”

Do you read fashion magazines? Yes! Religiously. I have been a magazine addict since I was younger. On a regular basis, I read Vogue, Lucky, GQ, Elle and Teen Vogue.

Has your interest in fashion magazines changed over the course of your life? I have always loved fashion…I think I just have less money to spend on them.

Have they influenced your sense of fashion and your personal styling? Yes. There are certain editorials and styling that have stayed with me, like Annie Leibovitz’s photos of Kirsten Dunst as Marie Antoinette and Juergen Teller’s ads for Marc Jacobs.

Do you care about current trends? Yes. I like to keep things fresh and am always looking for new inspiration. I think trends are fun ways to stay creative, but I also look for pieces that can stand the test of time.

Where does your inspiration otherwise come from? Everything! I really love pop culture—books, movies, television. I also look to fellow bloggers and my friends for inspiration.

What do you think of the influence of fashion blogs? I think it’s interesting. I like that the audience (people other than magazine editors and designers) have a say now.

Do you read other blogs? Yes! A lot. It’s hard to keep up sometimes! Some of my favorites are Refinery29, Selective Potential, The Science Fair, Orchid Grey, Delightfully Tacky, The Glitter Guide, The CitybirdsNest and City Brewed, but I read a lot more!

Do you think blogging is journalism or can be compared with a journalistic work? I think blogging is a type of journalism, but I see the medium as more of an open discourse rather than a hard-hitting journalistic endeavor.

[photo by monikablissmorris.com]
Do you see yourself as such a blogger? I hope to be. Since I am a writer, I want to keep my blog fresh with a unique voice.

Do you think new media can replace the traditional media e.g. can blogs replace fashion magazines? For me, no. I still love reading any fashion magazine I can get my hands on. Designers are still investing in ads for these magazines, and readers are still buying. I think blogging can accompany traditional media, but it doesn’t need to replace it.

[photo by monikablissmorris.com]


Hope Shores said...

Thanks so much for letting me guest post!! I am so honored to be a part of your thesis. :)


lauraab86 said...

Great post! She has such a cute style :)


I have a giveaway on my blog, I'd be happy if you entered:)

Flourish & Fancy said...

I love A Flattering Tale & read it religiously. Thanks for the great post!

Little Red Purse said...

I love that first photo of her. Beautiful.

xo L.

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