It's Easter Weekend and I am spending the time with Mr.B and our families. I just took a minute to share with you some of my current favorites. The print with the ballet dancers has been one of my favorites for a long time. Some years ago when I was still living in a shared apartment, my flatmate let me picture-sit hers while she was away for an internship. Since then I needed to get my own. As it is not sold anymore at IKEA, I had to find another way to get my hands on one. Thanks to ebay, here it is. Finally and it is a great addition to our bedroom.
Winter is getting on our nerves, but doesn't this wintery lake look amazing during sunset?!
We finally managed to use Mr.B's Go-Kart gift cards and went for a wild ride last weekend! Definitely fun, and what a workout! Didn't know driving could be so hard on your muscles!
A little gift from the mister. When you follow my Instagram account (@aheartandsoulstory), you have seen that huge rose bouquet that arrived at work one day and after posting the pic he got me my own cute roses later that day.
Some more Spring flowers that freshen up our apartment!
Happy Easter to all of you!
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