March 12, 2015

Take me on a spin


Do you know this feeling when you have wanted to wear a particular piece in your closet for quite some time, but the moment just never seemed right, the weather didn't work to your advantage or you just didn't have the right occasion for the look?! Well, this is what happened to my lovely vintage cape. I adore this piece of clothing and I'd love to wear it more often, but I often struggle adding it to a look. Now it finally warmed up enough and I could take it out again. Mr.B calls it my Badman cape btw or Bad Anja in this sense and I really love playing around with it. The other colors seem to be on constant rotation right now, just because they scream Spring to me and brighten up my day!



Cape: vintage, Thrifted
Cardigan: H&M
Blouse: Primark
Skirt: C&A
Tights: Esda
Shoes: Deichmann(currently on sale)
Ring: Thrifted





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