August 18, 2015

Back home - back on track

We have savely arrived back home from our wonderful 3 weeks in the nordic countries. It was a wonderful time to reload our batteries, take some needed time off from the web and to just have some time together as a couple. We miss our favourite place  in the middle of Finland already. We had rented a small cottage, called mökki in Finland, close to the town Leppävirta where we took these outfit photos. Those are actually the only outfit pictures I took during the entire trip, but thats just fine with me. I wore similar looks during most of the trip, just once got a dress out. It is an outfit to feel comfortable in, to travel and to do some sightseeing. 




What I wore

Cardigan: Seppälä
Shirt: Primark
Shoes: Deichmann
Watch: Skagen
Bag: Vintage, Thrifted





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