Have you ever experienced this?! You put something on your pile to throw out or give to the salvation army and while you walk by that pile every day, you come up with new outfits. This happened with that skirt and that bag in this look. I was unhappy with the length of this skirt (shortened it for the look and will bring it to the tailor) and also somehow didn't like it too much on me. Welcome new apricot blouse and suddenly the skirt works once again. The bag is an old treasure from the flea market. I love it, but never had anything to wear with it.

Skirt: H&M
Blouse & Necklace: Primark
Cardigan: Bon Prix
Back: thrifted, vintage
Bracelet: Bijou
Watch: Skagen
Shoes: Deichmann
Tights: Esda

I love that skirt, Anja - and the coral top looks wonderful with it! xo
I pull things out of my donate pile all the time. I am glad you were able to pull this pretty skirt and purse out.
Thank you for being a part of TBT Fashion link up and hope to see you Thursday.
I love when outfits come together like that. I have on occassion dug out things from a donation pile and found some way to wear them one last time. That skirt is so lovely.
Thank you for linking up to "Bloggers Who Have Inspired Me"
Rachel xo
Garay Treasures
Great look, I really like that skirt and that apricot blouse is gorgeous.
See? Never let a piece go that you really like, 'cause you'll find friends for it quick! Really a pretty look for you. The graphic skirt is a keeper, and I see you in it with darker pieces this winter! Good job, you!
definitely need to keep that skirt now that it got such a good feedback!!
definitely love it with peach, not a common color combination for me, but hey, always try something new!!
definitely kept that skirt but gave the bag to a friend. Sometimes, keeping sth just for one outfit combination is not enough an argument for that piece :)
I definitely pull things out of donation piles, but you are right - one last time is a good thing, but maybe not keeping it forever. Kept that skirt, but the bag had to go after I wore it with this look. One outfit combo is just not enough
you are so right, Jan. I kept the skirt, will shorten it and then it will be perfect for fall and winter looks!! how are you btw. Haven't seen you around for some time!
you are a heartbreaker, pretty lady as you stand there in the sunset looking so snazzy!
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