December 24, 2015

Last Minute DIY Christmas gift ideas

Every year, I try to get all my presents on time, but every year I forget just a couple of small things and these DIY ideas are a great last minute gift that can be made even 2hours before giving it.

Baking cookies


My favourites are cookies with icing, but they take so long to decorate. 

Vanilla kipferl are perfect as they only need a coat of powdered sugar.

Spritz biscuits are easily made last minute and can be left without chocolate coating.


Hot Pepper Oil


This is something for the guys. As we grow our own peppers on the balcony each year, we've got quite some left and we add the dried ones into a little bottle, some good Olive oil, et voilà!
As Jamie Oliver always says: Take the good stuff, extra virgin.


The recipe is by A Beautiful Mess

Some handmade gifts I made in the last years:

Pralinés by Fräulein Klein

Handmade Vanilla Extract by A Beautiful Mess 

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and my last minute present ideas could help some of you!!
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