July is the month of birthdays here in this household. It is wonderful to celebrate so many wonderful people, but it's a little difficult to find several cute outfits that work well for all occasions. I had these cute pieces in my closet and had never thought of a combination before, but they worked really well together and made for a bit more formal, but summery birthday party outfit. It's been a long time since I last wore that skirt and it had almost landed in the donation pile. I have always had my issues with white skirts - easily getting them dirty, with a bit of a wedding look and so on. But, I see now that it is quite versatile and will stay for a while longer in my closet.

What I wore
Skirt: H&M
Shirt: Ernsting's
Blazer: Primark
Necklace: C&A
Ring: Bijou
Bracelet: Pieces
Shoes: Deichmann
Tights: Esda