I love me some pink blossoms! I guess, every reader of this blog knows this by now and we finally managed to get those pink beauties in our front yard to be background actors for an outfit post. See also my post with them from last year.

Blue always works really well for me when I plan a look with those flowers. This time, I went with several shades of blue and added some neutrals.

What I wore
Blouse & Ring: C&A
Cardigan: BonPrix
Skirt: Heirloom
Necklace: H&M
Shoes: Deichmann
Leggings: Esda
Bracelet: gift from a friend

My new favourite ring that I bought as a replacement for my lost purple ring. It's not really a replacement as such, but my collection needed a new ring and this one instantly caught my eye. It looks so much like the bottle cap of my favourite perfume. Sadly it's still so expensive, but maybe one day I'll treat myself to something nice :)

Today is a holiday in Germany and I intend to stay in my sweat pants all day, but it's a Monday and I want to share this lovely look with Visible Monday over at Not Dead Yet Style!