June 6, 2013

Rapeseeds and Spring feeling

I finally got to enjoy the rapeseeds this year. I love the yellow of the blossoms, they are great for pictures and  it also means that Summer isn't far away anymore, hopefully. I also like the yellow fields from far away. They look like somebody hase coloured the earth with a crayon. 



I wore this simple look for work as the temperatures are finally rising again. The dress is super comfy and works well with bright colors. It is made of linen and I hope to get a lot of wear out of it during summer.


What I wore

Dress: C&A
Belt: H&M
Cardigan: Thrifted
Scarf: Ernsting's Family
Necklace: House of Harlow
Leggings: Esda
Shoes: Deichmann



On a personal note: We survived the flood, no damage or harm was done to my family or friends, but there are thousands of households still threatened to be flooded in Germany. It is very sad to see all the destruction and my thoughts are with those fighting for their belongings.
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