Every year we try to visit the crocus fields in Drehbach, a small town in the Erzgebirge mountains that has a long history of wild lilac crocus plants that have been a gift by the Elector of Saxony over 300 years ago and have been the symbol of this little village ever since. Every year for about 2 weeks the fields look like an ocean of puple and lilac. What a wonderful place to visit. That day, I wore my new vintage dress that I have shown you in a recent post for the first time. Together with my red coat and red accessories, I was quite the centre of attention during that day. Only the crocus fields got more looks :P

What I wore
Dress, Bag & Belt: Thrifted
Coat: Thrifted, Long Tall
Shoes: Deichmann
Tights: Esda
Necklace: Ernsting's