I am in love with this outfit! It's my go to summer look this year and it feels perfect for our vacation in Finland representing the colors of the flag. I definitely feel some national pride whenit comes to this ountry - my home away from home. My years spent in this beautiful nordic nation has made me almost half a finn and in my heart it sometimes feels like my “real“ home. Have I ever told you how the name of this blog came to be? Well, this little space here was supposed to be my blog during my time abroad and should tell the story and conflict that was going on between my German heart and my ever growing Finnish soul. It felt like my body was divided in these two parts and it still does feel like that even though I have returned to Germany and am settling down with Mr.B. My soul will forever be altered by the beautiful Finland and I am glad to be back once again.
What I wore
Dress: C&A
Jacket & Shoes: Primark
Bracelet: Douglas
Watch: Skagen
Necklace: Thomas Sabo
Pins: Disney Store

What I wore
Skirt: C&A
Blouse & Jacket: Primark
Shoes & Bag: Deichmann
Watch: Skagen
Necklace: Thomas Sabo
Bracelet: Douglas

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