July 1, 2013

Summer brings outfit variety

Summer gives me more options when it comes to dressing for work. I love my skirts and it is easy to add some color and prints to any look. This was an outfit that I wore late last week. The skirt is one of my new favourites and I paired the laced print with some dots and my apricot trench thar has been a great addition for several seasons already.



It's always fun to combine closet classics with new treasures and this is certainly one of those combinations. I know the look is not so "summery" for some, but it is definitely getting warmer these days.




What I wore

Cardigan: C&A
Shirt: Lindex
Scarf: H&M
Shoes: Deichmann
Tights: Esda


I am linking up to Visible Monday over at Not dead yet style and to Monday Bloom at DC in Style.
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